Library Rules and Regulations
When entering the UPT building / room. Library users:
- Students must bring a membership card, namely a Student Identity Card in their own name and which is still valid;
- Lecturers and education staff are required to carry valid and valid Employee Identity Cards;
- The general public is required to carry a National Identity Card or other identification card in their own name and which is still valid;
- Required to fill in the attendance list;
- Must dress neatly, politely and with shoes;
- Not allowed to eat, drink, smoke;
- Bags and other items must be stored in a locker that has been provided, except for valuable items;
When inside the library building / room, users are prohibited from:
- Damaging, tearing, and scribbling printed library materials;
- Damaging the facilities and infrastructure contained in the UPT Library room;
- Scribbling office equipment and walls;
- Perform activities that pollute the UPT Library room;
- Bringing out the collection from the UPT Library room before the borrowing process is carried out by the circulation service officer;
- Making noise that interferes with the activities of other library users;
At the time of leaving the library building / library users:
- Willing to be checked by librarian;
- Show to the officer the library materials that were taken out;
The collections of library materials that are allowed to be borrowed are:
- Collection of ordinary text books for 7 (seven) days; and
- A short loan collection for 1 (one) day;
Collection of library materials that are not allowed to be borrowed is:
- A reference collection with an R code and an orange label, for example; dictionaries, encyclopedias, laws, yearbooks, and the like;
- Final project, thesis, thesis, dissertation;
- Scientific work or research by the academic community;
- Serial publications, for example magazines, journals, newspapers; and
- Other collections which are deemed necessary for their completeness, integrity and security are not allowed to be borrowed, exceptions from this provision can only be implemented with the permission of the Head of the UPT Library;
When borrowing books, every member of the library is obliged to show the Student Identity Card and / or Employee Identity Card to the circulation service officer;
The process of extending the borrowing time can be done if the borrowing limit by library members has not passed the predetermined time at the time of borrowing;
At the time of loan repayment, the book must be brought and returned according to the title and condition when the book was borrowed;
Utilization of borrowed collections based on the principle of fairness by service officers and the principle of accountability by the borrower;
- Members who are late in returning books are subject to administrative sanctions in the form of prohibition of borrowing books with details of 1 (one) day not returning the books, then 7 (seven) days of not borrowing books, applies to the next multiple of late sanctions;
- Members who damage or lose books when borrowed are obliged to replace books with the same or similar titles;
- Every user who destroys a book when it is used is obliged to replace the book according to the title;
- Misuse of library membership cards by other parties for borrowing is the responsibility of the owner of the card;
- Members who still have borrowing dependents cannot borrow book before the book is returned
- Undang-Undang Nomor 43 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perpustakaan ( download here )
- Standar Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi, SNI 7330:2009 ( download here or here )
- SOP UPT Perpustakaan ( download here )
- Peraturan Rektor Tentang Pengelolaan dan Layanan UPT Perpustakaan ( download here )
- Peraturan Rektor Tentang Wajib Serah Simpan Karya Ilmiah Sivitas Akademika UPN “Veteran” Jakarta ( download here )
- Surat Edaran Rektor Tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiat di Lingkungan UPN “Veteran” Jakarta ( download here )
- Panduan & Video Tutorial Unggah Mandiri Karya Ilmiah : Untuk Mahasiswa Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta ( download here )
- MoU PNRI dengan UPN Veteran Jakarta ( download here )